Sunday, July 31, 2022

Craig Marshall ~ Cubensis

 June 23, 2022  CRAIG MARSHALL ~NFA 

"By the power vested in me: I  hereby declare today will be Craig Marshall Day!" 

- Richard Lawson bandmate and friend

Craig Marshall 1952-2022 (musician) 

On the 16th of June the friends, family, band members, and fans of Cubensis Grateful Dead Music Experience lost an amazing human. For weeks good stories about Craig and how the music joined many people's lives in the most positive ways flooded the social media feeds. Craig's Farewell show which was already planned to be the bands 35th Anniversary concert was held on June 23, 2022. The show must go on! 

Hundreds of people gathered to mourn, love, dance, and honor the life of Craig. Many musicians poured their heart and soul out to the crowd from the stage that day. The Box of Rain stood quietly next to the flowers, custom tie dyes, and banner of Craig that attendees signed. (credit to : John Enriquez) 

The Box of Rain collected memories, love, and sentiments of beauty as a one last message to him. 

*These messages will be displayed sometime soon in the future.*

                                   ~Standing on the moon With nothing left to do 
                                                Lovely view of Heaven but I'd rather be with you~

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